How It's Done
Free Discovery Call
30 minute virtual or phone conversation
Learn about FCHW's mission, services, and benefits
Discuss your current state of health and health goals
Briefly discuss ways FCHW can support your goals
Chose a follow up plan
Price: FREE
Initial Visit
1 hour visit (virtal or in-person)
Prioritize your health concerns
2 chronic conditions and/or health goals​
Recall your current lifestyle (nutrition, exercise, sleep, habits, schedule, mental health)​
Review your current chronic conditions, medications, supplements, etc.
Review and/or order lab work
Get your 1st set of homework
Recieve your treatment plan via email
Price: $125
Follow Up Visit Package
45 minute visits
4 visits to be used in one 4-month quarter or less
optional 1 home vist (additional travel fee)​
Review achieved or in-progress goals​
Bi-weekly email check-ins
Review ordered labs​
Meal planning
Exercise planning
Supplement & herb recommendations
Printable post-visit notes
access to referral list​
access to printable hand-outs
discount for group classes
Price: $400
Add- Ons
Pantry hall
I'll visit your kitchen and help you deciefer healthy vs less healthy foods​
Grocery store visits​
Let's go to your local store ans learn how to read food labels and make good, affordable choices​
Gym trips​
Interested in joining the gym or just getting started? Want to take a workout class but nervous or procrastinating? Let's do it together​! ​
Must be enrolled in follow up package​
Price: determined by distance and need